Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency: The Road to Medical Device Reform
The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has recently published three policy developments as part of its overhaul of medical device regulation in the UK. The AI Airlock, announcement of international recognition procedure for medical devices, and consultation on technical specifications for the In Vitro Diagnostics Regulation (IVDR) signal the MHRA’s continued focus on reform and international alignment in this area. Industry stakeholders should take note and engage with the regulator where possible to have their voices heard as part of the process.
Private Equity Investors’ Attitudes Towards Healthcare AI Investment Opportunities
Sidley’s Chad Ehrenkranz and UK-based U.S. investor Chris Yoshida consider which AI-based healthcare applications are of most interest to private equity investors, and the way in which healthcare AI lies in a desirable spot between startups and government uses of AI.