Private Equity Investors’ Attitudes Towards Healthcare AI Investment Opportunities

Sidley’s Chad Ehrenkranz and UK-based U.S. investor Chris Yoshida consider which AI-based healthcare applications are of most interest to private equity investors, and the way in which healthcare AI lies in a desirable spot between startups and government uses of AI.

Forthcoming HHS Regulatory Actions and Opportunities Relevant for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers for the Rest of this Year and Next

Pharmaceutical manufacturers need to note some key forthcoming regulatory actions and opportunities which the Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) has recently published. Meena Datta and Catherine Starks give a bird’s eye view of the key points, the key dates and the stage which each new rule has reached.

CMS Now Needs to Approve Medicare Ads That Mention Plan Benefits

The U.S. government has expressed concern over misleading marketing by some Medicare Advantage and Part D plans. Now, a much wider range of marketing materials will need to be approved by the government prior to distribution. Jon Zucker and Taylor Andelman explain the changes.

7 Key Trends for the Global Life Sciences Industry in 2023

Sidley’s 2023 Global Life Sciences Trendspotting Report maps out seven key trends in the life sciences industry globally, and identifies some regional trends in the U.S., China, and Europe which are likely to have global ramifications during the coming year.