Seven Things Life Sciences Buyers and Sellers Should Know About CVRs
The life sciences industry has recently seen a proliferation of Contingent Value Rights (CVRs), the public M&A equivalent of the earnout used in private deals. Sally Wagner Partin, Sharon Flanagan, and Hannah Brown explain what you need to know about them.
U.S. and EU Expand Mutual Recognition Agreement to Include Animal Drugs
Sites making animal drugs need to be inspection-ready, as a single inspection report can now be relied upon by regulators in both the U.S. and some EU member states. Multi-jurisdictional regulatory actions could ensue. Christopher Fanelli, Chris Boyle and Yuzhi Hu explain.
Five Tips for Bringing a Complex Digital Health Product to Market
Bringing a sophisticated digital health product comprised of a combination of hardware and software to market can be tricky. Meena Datta and Deeona Gaskin advise on how to do so successfully by factoring in FDA marketing and reimbursement pathways, including insurers and employer-sponsored health plans.