Why International Pharma Companies Need to Watch What Is Happening in the Netherlands
Maarten Meulenbelt explains why even companies headquartered in China or California need to be aware that the trend for ‘replacement pharmacy compounding’ may spread.
Over the last few years, the Netherlands has begun to develop its own pharmacy-compounded products as an alternative to authorised products, and as a benchmark for pricing and reimbursement of the authorised products that they seek to replace. (more…)

Pharmacovigilance Considerations in the Era of Patient Centricity: Data Collected by Apps
On World Patient Safety Day, Torrey Cope in Washington, D.C., Chen Yang in Beijing, and Olivier Goarnisson in Geneva consider one big pharmacovigilance question raised by the increasingly patient-centric way in which life science companies are doing business today: How to treat the data collected by the apps provided with drugs and devices.