How to Secure Investment as a Healthcare AI Innovator
For both small startups and R&D departments within larger companies, making investment funds work for an AI-based product is not just about securing initial funding but about making sure the investor understands the challenges of the healthcare sector. Chad Ehrenkranz talks to physician-executive and startup advisor Rick Abramson, MD, about the challenges.
How, When, and If the U.S. BIOSECURE Act Is Likely to Become Law
Both U.S. and P.R.C.-based biotechs are anxiously watching attempts to pass the U.S. BIOSECURE Act into law. Michael Borden and Andrew Shoyer explain what this month’s developments mean, and why the legislation, even with so much attention and publicity, may never actually become law.

Investor Attitudes to Healthcare AI Technologies
Investors are eyeing up the opportunities to invest in healthcare AI as it pushes the healthcare industry into new and exciting territory. R&D is currently focused on genomic sequencing, mapping, understanding populations and the treatment of rare diseases and hereditary cancer. AI applications are fundamentally altering how such R&D is conducted, as well as changing healthcare services to improve patient experience and outcomes. The advent of AI has dramatically altered the cost of capital, with private equity firms prepared to invest substantial sums into early adopters. These evolving opportunities raise important questions.